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Top Shooter - House & Garden

Top Shooter - House & Garden

Regular price 19.49
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Use Top Shooter in the final three weeks before harvest if you need a boost. Phosphorous and potassium (PK) in the Top Shooter formulation causes the plant to produce a new growth layer over existing fruit when the plant would ordinarily be in its maturity stage. Additionally, Top Shooter increases weight and bulk to the fruit, but does so without affecting its flavour or aroma.

This product, when used according to the instructions and in conjunction with House & Garden base nutrients, will improve yields beyond your wildest expectations.

How to Use Top Shooter:

 You should only use Top Shooter on plants in peak health that are being grown in optimal heat, light, and CO2 conditions. Only in the final three weeks of flowering should Top Shooter be applied. In order to avoid over-fertilization, it is not recommended to use any other NPK boosters or additives (such as PK 13/14) when using Top Shooter.

As with all nutrients, boosters and additives, never mix them together in their concentrated form (i.e. straight out of the bottle). Always add each nutrient, booster or additive to your reservoir or feed water in turn, giving the solution a good stir to mix it in before adding the next one.

Using the old version (NPK 0-9-20): In the first week of the last 3 weeks of flowering, reduce the E.C. of your base nutrient to 1.2 and then add Top Shooter at a rate of 0.7ml/Litre. Adjust pH as normal. For the last 2 weeks of flowering, again use a base nutrient solution with an E.C. of 1.2 but add Top Shooter at a rate of 1.0ml/Litre and then adjust pH to the required level.

Using the new version (NPK 0-20-9): In the first week of the last 3 weeks of flowering, reduce the E.C. of your base nutrient to 1.2 and then add Top Shooter at a rate of 1.4ml/Litre. Adjust pH as normal. For the last 2 weeks of flowering, again use a base nutrient solution with an E.C. of 1.2 but add Top Shooter at a rate of 2.0ml/Litre and then adjust pH to the required level.

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