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Bio-Bloom - BioBizz

Bio-Bloom - BioBizz

Regular price 2.01
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What is Bio-Bloom?

Do you wish for flamboyant blossoms that will bear delectable fruits? Then you require this comprehensive, 100% organic liquid fertiliser, as its name says. It has the ideal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium as well as enzymes and amino acids, all of which perform flawlessly in tandem with the substrate. To aid in the development of a robust, flowering plant with a strong stem, trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin have also been included.

Potassium and phosphorus, two nutrients in Bio-Bloom, aid in the formation and growth of the petals, calyces, and bulbs. Particularly potassium works with the plant's natural circadian cycle during the day and night, which aids in starting the flowering process.

How do you use it?
From the time of flowering till harvest, Bio-Bloom is a fertiliser that operates on its own.

For every litre of water, Biobizz advises 2-4ml of BioBloom. The specific doses for each cycle are listed in our approved Nutrient Schedule.

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